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SWAAAE Celebrates June as pride month

June 30, 2022

Pride month in June is a celebration and acknowledge-ment of the Stonewall Riots that took place at the end of June 1969. The riots and parades took place after a se-ries of raids conducted by NYPD to the Stonewall Inn, a popular bar frequented by members of the LGBT com-munity in New York City.

Since 1969, Pride celebrations have taken place across the country and world in recognition and celebration of the LGBT community, its members, and the progress that has been made in protecting basic rights.

SWAAAE recognizes June as Pride Month throughout our region and celebrates our members who identify as part of the LGBT community. You can learn more about our industry partners and airports who celebrate along with us. 

Sean Moran, C.M., ACE
Airport Manager
Livermore Municipal Airport

When did you become involved in SWAAAE?

I joined SWAAAE as a Academic Member in 2010 while attend-ing California State University, Los Angeles.

What does being a member of both the LGBT community and as a professional member in our industry mean to you?

Visibility matters. When I was moving through our industry, I did not see many individuals that openly identified as LGBT that also oversaw an airport. As an openly gay executive in our industry, I want to make sure my representation allows others to see that this industry is open and accepting to everyone, no matter your background, gender, or orientation.


Harvey Milk

"Hope Will Never Be Silent"

Harvey Milk served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and was the first openly gay individual elected to public office in the state of Cal-ifornia. Harvey served for just eleven months before his assassination on November 27, 1978. Harvey stood for the rights of all LGBT citizens and his election served as a pathway for future generations of all back-grounds to pursue elected office and service to our communities.

The San Francisco International Airport has named Terminal 1 in honor of Harvey Milk.

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